PlacesDe Smet, South Dakota, USA

Works (26)

Becoming Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Woman Behind the Legend by John E. Miller
Beginnings of De Smet: "Little town on the prairie" locale of six books of Laura Ingalls Wilder by Aubrey Sherwood
Borrowed Names: Poems About Laura Ingalls Wilder, Madam C.J. Walker, Marie Curie, and Their Daughters by Jeannine Atkins
By the Shores of Silver Lake by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Complete Little House Nine-Book Set by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Credo: The Rose Wilder Lane Story by Peter Bagge
Explore De Smet, South Dakota by Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society Inc.
The First Four Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Heritages of De Smet, South Dakota by Aubrey Sherwood
THE INGALLS FAMILY OF DE SMET by Inc. Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society
The Ingalls Family of De Smet
The Ingalls Family of De Smet by Inc. Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society
Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little Town: Where History and Literature Meet by John E. Miller
Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Biography (Little House) by William Anderson
Laura: The Life of Laura Ingalls Wilder by Donald Zochert
Little House on Rocky Ridge by Roger Lea MacBride
Little House Reader, A (Little House Books) by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Little Town on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder
My Life as Laura: How I Searched for Laura Ingalls Wilder and Found Myself by Kelly Kathleen Ferguson
On the Way Home: The Diary of a Trip from South Dakota to Mansfield, Missouri, in 1894 by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder by Caroline Fraser
I Remember Laura: Laura Ingalls Wilder by Stephen W. Hines
Storybook Travels: From Eloise's New York to Harry Potter's London, Visits to 30 of the Best-Loved Landmarks in Children's Literature by Colleen Dunn Bates
These Happy Golden Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder